Havening - As in Safe Haven

This is a relatively new area in therapy; psycho-sensory touch. A natural release of chemicals similar to when a mother holds a baby; delta waves creating a comforting, calming effect making you feel better.

It is used by the US & UK Military on service men and women after traumatic service abroad. 

It heals, diminishing fears, compulsions, traumas; eg car crash, bereavement, self worth, self confidence, etc

How Does It Work?

Havening works because it reprograms your negative language patterns learned in childhood & your reaction or action in adulthood. Take control of your perception of daily life.

You can use this method to manage your triggers, restful sleep, deep relaxing, IVF treatments, at school, work, or wherever you need it.

Interested In Havening?

Contact us at siobhanmcdonald@mail.com to get started!