Hypnotherapy Coaching & NLP 

Business Owner Sole Trader Manager Employee

From stressed to best changing your mindset changes everything 



Are you stressed?

Do you want change?

Do you want life work balance?

Do you need a nonjudgmental sounding board?

Achieve your ideal weight

A professional who actively listens

Off load your work issues for calm at home

Every behaviour even a dysfunctional one has a positive intent for you eg vaping calms you down, so the intent is good, but the habit isn’t.

A Hypnotherapy NLP Coaching session facilitates change because it is deep relaxation for total focus. Changes your inner program, your mindset, attitude, thoughts & related behaviours. Seeing your potential even if you can’t.

What Is Life Coaching?

“Coaching focuses on future possibilities, not past mistakes” – Sir John Whitmore 

“Quality Coaches drive quality results, improving your focus and overcoming your limiting beliefs” – Tony Robbins

“The opponent within one’s own head is more formidable than the one on the other side of the net” – Timothy Gallwey, Inner game of Tennis.

This wheel is designed to bring self awareness and focus to areas of your life which would benefit from change.

High performing Athletes, Sports Teams, Business Owners, Managers & CEO’s have a coach to see where unhelpful performance patterns are.

People will choose a coach, therapist, personal trainer, doctor or influencer because they want change in their lives.

Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy & NLP is future focused, propelling you forward to change.

Services Provided

Life Coaching -€45

This 45 minute session is the ideal start to your day. Or a lunchtime boost for a thought provoking creative process to inspire and focus. Or an evening relaxant overcoming limiting beliefs & de-stress for better sleep. It’s an ideal monthly top up for accountability or unexpected challenge.

siobhanmcdonald@mail.com or text +353879175171 for a return 📞

Coaching Hypnotherapy & NLP €75 -90 mins

Coaching is working with your resources within to realise your potential.

A 6 month online programme €360

A mental massage for focus & clarity. Stressed to your best. Tips & techniques for minding yourself. Deep relaxation, thought provoking & de-stressing sessions. Empowering & equipping with skills. Balance in busyness,
joy on your journey & calm with change. siobhanmcdonald@mail.com or text +353879175171 for a return 📞

Meet The Team

Coaching is Key when you are ready to change but don’t know how to go about it. Sessions available online or in person.

Siobhan McDonald

Life & Addiction Coach

As a Hypnotherapist, Life and Addiction coach I help you on your journey by changing the program that keeps you stuck in a painful repetitive negative cycle. Creating awareness around your behaviours and equipping you with coping mechanisms.  Engaging in active listening in a non judgemental confidential environment.

Helping you learn rather than telling you how.

Annabelle Kehoe

Business & Life Coach

In my work as coach, I like to be an unbiased sounding board, ask key questions and actively listen to your answers. I help you spot patterns of unhelpful thoughts and behaviours that are not serving you well. I also like to give feedback and support to raise your awareness on challenges and opportunities in your life.


Laura Corrigan

Hypnobirthing, Parent & Life Coach.

As a Birth and Pregnancy coach I help you prepare & equip you with coping mechanisms. Hypnobirthing coaching helps prepare you for this life changing event, remain connected both in mind and body. As a Parent coach I help you with challenges that your children and teenagers bring.



I am really enjoying my coaching & hypnotherapy sessions with Siobhan. She has helped me to get rid of old habits which were preventing me from getting on with my life. My future is brighter and easier as I am changing my life in a very relaxed enlightening way.
Carly Blake
Life Coach Client
Siobhan provides me with the time and the space I need to figure out what I want to achieve. As our sessions continued I have a new job, I’m fitter and healthier, actively living my life, consciously making good decisions and I am now managing my stress & anxiety.
Mike Nemer
Life Coach Client
Through Siobhans listening & questioning, I have enjoyed many insights in our hypnotherapy sessions. I have more awareness and balance in situations which previously would have overwhelmed me. With her help, I have developed strategies to enable me overcome many challenges.
Deidre Parker
Life Coach Client

Certified with Irish Lifecoaching Institute, The Irish Institute of NLP & Hypnotherapy Paul Mc Kenna & Mindvalley.  IAPCP Affiliated